We create our lives based on the answer

to the question: "Why are we here?".

Accident? -

Creation? - GOD

Evolution? - Big Bang/Darwin

All of the Above? -

Top Questions about Life

Everyone asks

Welcome to Heaven on Earth - Everyday I hear people wondering about the purpose of their life, this world and why such bad things are happening.

Please come on my

live streams to ask the questions you have always wondered about God,

Life and the Universe.


#1 Why am I here?

Purpose of LIFE - explained

Who is God? Heaven is an Energy realm that vibrates faster than the temporal physical realm. God/Heaven/Source/Creator live in love and joy peace and harmony where no one is ever in lack or need. Everything there manifests instantly. You think one thought of harm to another - not only are they instantly harmed - but so is EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN HEAVEN. So God/Heaven/Source/Creator created a plan to grow children outside heaven in a temporary playground where we can learn. how to behave so we can return to heaven.

To play and have fun. To be in Joy and Love. To learn how to live in joy and love and balance and peace every moment of the day no matter what is happening. To come into the physical and live many lives and reach a state of enlightenment, learning the law of love so we can return to heaven as our Brothers Christ, Mohammad, Buddha and many many others have.

Who/What is GOD?

#2 Who/What is God?

Who is God? Heaven is an Energy realm that vibrates faster than the

temporal physical realm. God/Heaven/Source/Creator live in love and

joy peace and harmony where no one is ever in lack or need.

Everything there manifests instantly. You think one thought of harm

to another - not only are they instantly harmed - but so is EVERY

SINGLE PERSON IN HEAVEN. So God/Heaven/Source/Creator created a plan

to grow children outside heaven in a temporary playground where we

can learn how to behave so we can return to heaven.

If God is Loving - why does he let bad things happen?

#3 If God is Loving - why does he let bad things happen?

Ultimately because it is all equations and Choice and growth are the goal. Not just being happy all the time.

Is Jesus Real?

#4 Is Jesus Real?

Yes, he was one savior of many others created to progress and save the souls of earth.

What is the Plan of Salvation?

#5 What is the Plan of Salvation?

To come to the physical. Learn and grow and return to heaven as a

full fledged God like Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Mohammad and so many


Is every word of the Bible a direct quote from GOD?

#6 Is every word of the Bible a direct quote from GOD?

Yes but it is either the God of Light or the God of Dark and you have to discern the difference.

No, it was written

by man as their best understandings and interpretations of the time.

No, but there is a

lot of good stuff in the book.

What do I have to do to return to Heaven?

#7 What do I have to do to return to Heaven?

Be love and peace with every thought and vibration under every circumstance. No matter what.

If God commanded us to procreate - Why are there LGBTQ people?

#8 If God commanded us to procreate - Why are there LGBTQ people?

(only 65-75% of the population by equation should be reproducing - 25% to 35% should be non reproducing)

What is the Trans Joyney?

#9 What is the Trans Joyney?

Why did god create them and why are they here now in mass numbers, especially in Christian Households?

Because God is a, practical joker. The Trans Joyney is simple. I am NOT A BODY. Did God go around sticking boys in girl avatars and boys in girl avatars? Yes. Why??? Because Earth the garden was not waking up to their immortal selves and its like shock treatment for a boy to wake up in a girl avatar. No matter what you say to him - he knows he is boy. Likewise girls in boy avatars. Day after day they look at the physical reality of their avatar compared to the truth of their immortal soul and they reject the physical and believe more strongly in who they are inside. Did God accidentally write these equations so that this aberration occurred more in Christian and other very religious households? No it was not an accident - he did it on purpose!! The stinker.... back to Question 2 Why does god allow bad things to happen to us?? and how sometimes God is the stinker creating what we call bad things.

Because God is a, practical joker. The Trans Joyney is simple. I am NOT A BODY. Did God go around sticking boys in girl avatars and boys in girl avatars? Yes. Why??? Because Earth the garden was not waking up to their immortal selves and its like shock treatment for a boy to wake up in a girl avatar. No matter what you say to him - he knows he is boy. Likewise girls in boy avatars. Day after day they look at the physical reality of their avatar compared to the truth of their immortal soul and they reject the physical and believe more strongly in who they are inside. Did God accidentally write these equations so that this aberration occurred more in Christian and other very religious households? No it was not an accident - he did it on purpose!! The stinker.... back to Question 2 Why does god allow bad things to happen to us?? and how sometimes God is the stinker creating what we call bad things.

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